More Great New Patients

More Great New Patients

New patients are the lifeblood of a successful dental practice. Today, often the difference between a struggling practice and a thriving practice is the number of new patients the office attracts. The solution is to develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes internal, external and digital marketing activities. I recently gathered some of the brightest marketing minds in dentistry and produced a series of videos titled, ‘Mastering Dental Marketing 2012’. Here is a link for these videos. The videos are free but will only be available for viewing for a limited time:

Sadly, the American Dental Association tells us that less than half of the adults today are visiting the Dentist on a regular basis. The really cool thing about developing a comprehensive marketing plan is that you will be helping more patients enjoy the benefits of great oral health. Here is a simple phrase that I’d like you and your team members to find a way to use as many times as possible throughout the day. “We love seeing new patients.” That’s it. Real simple, but effective. Let your patients know that you love helping more patients and that you will always make room for their family and friends. The simple act of letting people know you love new patients will be the beginning of creating a culture of growth in your practice. Find a way to use this phrase a few times each day!

Here’s to your success helping more patients enjoy the benefits of great oral health! Keep Smiling!